
Senior Health Care

Family Medicine located in Las Vegas and Pahrump, NV

Senior Health Care

Senior Health Care services offered in Las Vegas and Pahrump, NV

Senior health care provides high-quality, patient-centered treatment to adults 65 and older. At the Family Health & Wellness Center by Dr. Singh in Las Vegas and Pahrump, Nevada, AJ Singh, MD, and Johnathan Maxham, DO, offer a full suite of senior health care services, including chronic disease care, medication management, immunizations, and more. Call the nearest office to schedule a senior health care appointment, or request a visit online today.

Senior Health Care Q&A

Is senior health care the same thing as geriatrics?

Yes. Senior health care and geriatrics refer to an internal medicine subspecialty focused on the health and well-being of adults 65 and older. Since 90% of adults aged 80 and up have at least one chronic medical condition, it’s important this population receives personalized medical care to prevent these conditions from worsening.

Similarly, older adults are more likely to take multiple medications, have reduced mobility, and need assistance from family caregivers and friends. Senior health care takes all of these considerations into account, ensuring you stay healthy and active.

What services does senior health care provide?

The Family Health & Wellness Center by Dr. Singh team offers various senior health care services, including:

Treatment of chronic illnesses

Older adults are more likely to suffer from chronic illnesses like arthritis, diabetes, and high blood pressure. Routine check-ups with a qualified medical provider reduce the risk of complications and prevent these ailments from worsening.

Ostomy care

An ostomy is a medical device that collects waste outside of the body. Anyone can get one, but the average age of ostomy patients is 68. Even though ostomies are often medically necessary, they can present risks, like infection and bleeding. Ostomy care reduces the risk of these and other complications.

Medication management

Many older adults take one or more prescription medications. Unfortunately, the more drugs you take, the more likely you are to experience side effects and/or negative interactions. Medication management ensures you receive the maximum benefit from your medicines while reducing the risk of side effects.

Weight loss

The older you get, the harder it is to lose weight and keep it off. Medically supervised weight loss uses nutritional guidance, exercise recommendations, and prescription medications (when needed) to help you shed pounds and maintain a healthy weight.

Men’s and women’s health

Men and women have distinct health needs. For example, older women are more susceptible to osteoporosis, while men are at risk of low testosterone and benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). Sex-specific health care uses preventive screenings and routine check-ups to catch and treat these and other problems early on.

Specialist referrals

The senior health care specialists at the Family Health & Wellness Center by Dr. Singh treat most geriatric health problems, but certain ailments, like cancer, require more personalized care. The team can refer you to specialists if needed and help coordinate your treatment.

Is concierge medicine a good choice for geriatrics care?

Yes. Concierge medicine is an excellent choice for geriatrics care, especially if you’re experiencing impairment or frailty due to an underlying health problem. You might also benefit if you take multiple medications and/or need assistance from friends or family members to care for you.

By paying the monthly or annual concierge medicine fee, you can access the personalized health care you need to assist with all aspects of aging.

Call the Family Health & Wellness Center by Dr. Singh to schedule a senior health care appointment, or book an appointment online today.